
4 years, 6 months and 3days ... this is what it took me to come back to this page ...
Gosh!! .. what was I thinking?? ... or rather what was I doing all this time??
Hmm .. well for starters ... I got married .. :)

But even then it seems like these 4 years have simply vanished. Are we in some kind of time machine? .. which seems to be running in a fast forward mode??

Ok .. things are coming back to me now ... I had been to one onsite trip, changed 2 jobs and afcourse there was this bad recession. I've made quite a few trips and attended many weddings. And yes I've changed 3 houses!! ... that did take up a whole lot of time. I can only be thankful, I've not had to change cities.

In my usual day-to-day routine I always forget to take stock of what I have have done so far. But if I sit and think, looks like I have been doing quite a lot of things.

Ohh .. but as always the list of things 'to do' is always huge and getting bigger all the time. Still not done with my diwali shopping. Still not done my leave planning. I better take care of this first so that I can have more things to write about ... the next time I come to this page ...


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